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The Highspeed Unified Board.

Welcome to the Highspeed Unified Board (HUB). This system uses the World Wide Web to to allow you to request and receive information from the B database.
This is a library of information on cool things I have knowledge about, including tutorials on various subjects, events, and items I both know about and posses. That said, there is likely to be a focus on Automotive, Photography, and Technology.

Whilst the ThinkR network is focused on opinion, the HUB focuses more on fact.
You can use the pane on your left to navigate the site.

This should not be considered a source of up to date information, for that you should use ThinkR, or use TrackR for ConnectDE.

Some pages will have ratings informing you that the content on the page is likely to be inaccurate - although most articles are put together with knowledge from significant research and real world experiences, this cannot always be achieved. You can see some examples of this below.

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This page discusses something fictional or unconfirmed

Please note, regardless of ratings, B and The HUB cannot guarantee that any information on The HUB is accurate or up to date. You are encouraged to do your own research if you wish to have accurate knowledge on any topic discussed here.

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