How have you been? (And why do I do this?)
I've been really busy being dead (you know, after you murdered me?)
Obscure references aside, most of my projects and this site have died over the last few months as I have been preoccupied with first my car and friends, then my job, then some other stuff I'd rather not talk about. Now I don't make these posts with the hope of there being regular readers. I am not making this site with the hope of it getting attention.
After I found out about Neocities, and by extension Geocties (which I believe I used at the time, but I forgot what it was) - I decided I wanted to make a site for the fun of it. However, the decision to make a blog was more intentional - I find myself posting my opinions on the internet sometimes. I try to only post if I think what I'm about to say hasn't been said a million times before.
As is common amongst Neurodivergent people, I often have full on conversations with myself - not just thinking about something, but there is an actual back and forth about the topic occurring in my mind. It may sound crazy, but, I am sure there's only the one voice in there and I don't actually hear it, so I'm fairly confident I'm not hearing voices. Some of these are unique, I think it's pretty safe to say that most people have opinions that have never been said before. I like talking to others about these, although we live in a world where the time for that is lacking (especially if you're coming up with shit 24/7). That is why I think I am often posting my opinion online.
Videos are my favourite format, but my living situation leaves me rarely able to sit and talk to a camera without some child's destruction getting in the recording, so I don't make them that often. I find myself leaving comments on other people's stuff, and Reddit... yuck. Here's where this gets relevant: this encourages me to spend more time on YT and Reddit than I want to, actually, I don't really like using Reddit at all, and I'm ditching YT as soon as a few creators I like do the same. I am also posting in a place that's clearly aimed at someone (Subreddits, creators of videos, etc), even though really, 99% of the time, no one cares. I don't want to get into a habit of expecting or wanting a response. Those are the reasons I have started blogging - I post my thoughts online, and that's it. If no one sees it, it doesn't make any difference, because this place isn't designed to enable you to respond.
Anyways, I am hoping to be more active now. I have started half a dozen posts, they should eventually bleed through, and there is a lot of information I need to get into the HUB about obscure electrical devices and Falcon BMS.