The start of ThinkR
This is ThinkR - a revolution in the sharing of thoughts. Thanks to the world wide web, I am able to transmit my thoughts to you in the form of text, images, and even video.
This is the first ever post on ThinkR so I will take the time to give a more informal introduction than that on the About page.
ThinkR is in essence, a blog - with no particular topic. I have no intention of regularly updating this page, instead, it will be updated when I have a creative idea or thought, particularly if it pertains to this site (for consistent development updates, I'd suggest you go back to the BIOS, boot into ConnectDE, and run TrackR!).
As for me - I am B, or BS (Yes, that is intentional). My Internet presence is extremely limited - it's not like I never put anything online, but I tend to intentionally leave "me" out of it. Obviously that's not 100% possible but, 99% of what I've put on the internet isn't really about me, it's about you - it's about presenting something interesting (or at least in an interesting way), fun, creative, whatever. I am certainly not the type to use their online accounts to tell their life story... I prefer telling people I want to know that stuff directly.
On a slight tangent (get used to it bud, there'll be plenty more) - I have never understood why some people post about their partners regularly... my partner is not a trophy, (although I have certainly won ;) ) so I'm not about to put them on display. Although, as I've just described - I barely post about myself, so I guess that's related.
Back on topic - hopefully I've explained it OK, but if not, just scroll through some posts and you'll probably work it out. You're a Neocities user so you must be somewhat smart at least ;)